Dorit offers a new, vital service for her clients.
She now specializes in restoring old and badly damaged photos and documents. She will take any photo, no matter how faded, torn, stained, scratched, dog-eared and all around degraded, and restore it to its original condition. Dorit of doritartworksart.com does NOT use AI. She will scan the damaged photo into her computer. She
will then use Photoshop, plus the painterly
software program called Corel Painter with its virtual brushes, on top of her God-given talents,
sharp eyes and wits to carefully peel back the years of wear, and ultimately show it as it had been when first created. If the client wishes, Dorit can receive a black and white photo and colorize it. If you check out any online photo restoration
businesses, most will tell you that they can fix your blemished photos in seconds with one easy click. Please do not believe them. Even in this digital, AI age there is no shortcut to a well done job! Dorit lives in, and works out of Plano, TX.